Zoe turned six months old on the 30th of March. While I hate the fact that she is growing up so fast I was excited for selfish reasons. Zoe being six months old meant that I could drive again. If you are wondering why I couldn't drive until then it is because hours after Zoe was born I had an eclampic seizure because of high blood pressure. And because of the law I could drive for six months. It has definately made life easier since I can drive again. Didn't realize how much I missed it. Well enough about me on to the more important stuff.
Zoe weighed 17lbs 11ozs at her check up. While for us she seems like a big baby because the other two were barely 20lbs at one year of age, she is actually in the 50th percentile of weight. The doctor said she is growing great and doing everything she is suppose to. At about 5 1/2 months she learned how to roll over and is now turning over at will either way she wants. She loves to sleep on her tummy now. She is close to being able to sit up by herself. She can sit up while leaning on her hands but she can hold her whole body up for about 30 seconds before falling over. She likes baby food but still loves her bottle. She likes to jump in the Jump-a-roo, and has come to appreciate tummy time now that she can roll over. This has greatly helped her flat head, which is improving nicely. She is very nosey (just like her dad) and sometimes would rather watch the action than drink her bottle. She is such a loving little baby and gives great kisses and hugs. Just today she along with Hannah and Cayden were sitting in my lap and she started giving us hugs and sloppy kisses. It is so sweet. Most of the time she has a smile on her face and likes to flirt. She doesn't have any teeth yet but she is steady working on getting them.
She is such a joy and I am so incredibly grateful to God for allowing us to have a third child. I am humbled everyday at the blessings God has given me and I do not take any of them for granted.