Thursday, January 6, 2011

Something New!!!

So today I have decided to start using my blog more. If you take a look at my blog you will see that I am sporadic with my posts. Part of the problem is that I don't make the time to write and the other problem is that I am not that technically savvy so trying to manage my blog takes me forever. I am currently trying to figure out how to remove the huge picture of the beach at the beginning of the blog. Don't get me wrong I love the picture and wish I could be looking at that scene right now in person, but the picture is way too big and I would like to replace it with another one. Perhaps soon I will figure it out and get some new pics up soon. Anyway, today as I was in the kitchen doing some cooking and cleaning I decided that I was going to take advantage of my blog and use it as a way of keeping up with everything that is going on in my life. There are always things that happen during the day that I don't want to forget but I never take the time to right them down. That lead me to the conclusion that my blog would be the perfect place to keep up with all the small details of my life that I don't want to forget, especially the growth of my children. So I am going to use this space as a way to remember those things I don't want to forget. I figured that with all the clutter I am trying to organize in the house (a task that does not come easy for me) the blog would be a way to organize my life without cluttering up my house with more papers or books. If you follow my post I hope you don't get too bored with the everyday routine of our life, but maybe you will find something that interest you or maybe helps your life become a little easier. More importantly I hope that you will see God being glorified through the life of my family.

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